AWA Jury

Application for Asia Wine Awards Juror

Each year, the Asia Wine Awards recruit a thousand tasters. Their mission: to taste some 4200 wines and award precious medals.
In each edition, more than 1,200 medals are awarded.

Why come wine tasting at the Asia Wine Awards ?

Wine tasting at the Asia Wine Awards means participating in an world renowned event, an absolute must-do. It means sharing ones’ opinions with professionals, in a warm and friendly setting, to appreciate the qualities of the latest vintages.

The wine tasters benefits from spacious parking lots, a stone’s throw away from the tasting room. The reception and direction of juries to their tables is carried out quickly and efficiently, thanks to a bar code system.
Everything is put in place to create the ideal conditions for wine tasting :

>>The organisers pay close attention to the surroundings : the acoustics, space, the room temperature, clarity and brightness of the lights… The bottles are set up at least one hour before the wine tasting begins, to ensure the ideal temperature.
>>Each taster may avail of a second ’twin’ bottle, for each sample, in case of a problem, such as the wine being corked.
>>The wines are distributed according to the maturation method as well as the colour, appellation and the vintage. Wines matured in casks are thus separated from those that are not.

After an initial individual analysis, the judges decide together or under the guidance of chairman, if the wines presented to their table deserve a medal or not ; and if they do, which medal (great gold, gold, silver or bronze). The decision is therefore a collaborative decision and not simply the sum of individual opinions.

Wine tasting at the Asia Wine Awards also means to contribute, in one’s own way, to the vitality of the wine sector across the world !

Since 2006, the Asia Wine Awards – has been 100% committed to sustainable development. Everything is considered so as to limit the impact on the environment, combining social and economic responsibilities ; sorting waste, reducing the use of paper to a strict minimum, selecting suppliers within the region, partnerships with associations and much more.

Jurors’ expertise

Tasters are the mainstay of the competition.
Producers who send their products to be tasted put their trust in the Competition, which is responsible for the quality of the tasting. That’s why the Asia Wine Awards has set up a multiple-phase process for recruiting and approving tasters.

Validation by the commissioner
The competition commissioner contacts all newly registered tasters to assess their experience and make sure they have the capacities required for tasting and if necessary, a training session is suggested.

Juror training is a priority:
since we are very attentive to the quality of juries, we offer a training session in tasting that includes notions of how to mark wines at a competition.

A specially-designed, efficient marking scale
To make marking simpler and more homogeneous, a 100-point marking scale is used in the Asia Wine Awards, as it is in all international competitions. The scale allows tasters to decode every aspect of a sample, and then calculate the final score. Tasters receive copies of the marking scale before the tasting so that they can become familiar with it.

Mixed juries to guarantee a range of opinions
Samples are not tasted by professionals alone, because let’s not forget that most future buyers are amateurs!
We have decided to mix knowledgeable amateurs and professionals in the field at each table, so producers are guaranteed a range of opinions from tasters.

How to take part in the Awards ?
You are an oenologist, wine storehouse owner, vintner, wholesaler, investor, wine merchant, sommelier…
You wish to become a taster at the Asia Wine Awards? Feel free to fill out the following short form.

Application for Asia Wine Awards Juror (Taster register)

Being a taster makes you also a juror, i.e. you will be asked to blind taste and attribute marks to products (based on your choice) according to a tasting grid and during a period of about 3 hours. If you wish to become a member of the jury for the competition you must fill in the following form. The submitted form will be considered by the contest organisers. You will be informed of their decision by phone or email.

"*" indicates required fields

If you belong to a wine-tasting club, please indicate the name of the club in the comments section below.
Your uploaded photo will be shown on AWA Official website.
Max. file size: 3 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Once your registration has been examined, you will receive an invitation with complete information on the competition.

Date and times: Mar 27-31 2023 09:00 – 12:30

Tasting rules

The tasting regulations are as follows:
Arrive on time.
Do not wear any perfume.
Avoid wearing lipstick.
Avoid drinking coffee 1 hour before the tasting.
Turn off cell phones.
Judge the samples presented with fairness.
Respect the samples anonymity until the end.
Respect the marks’ confidentiality.
Do not disturb the other jury tables.

Tasters’ rules and regulations

Registration as a taster at the Asia Wine Awards implies acceptance of the following:

ARTICLE 1: Only the person to whom the invitation was addressed (by email, SMS or letter) shall be authorised to enter the premises where the competition is being held. The invitation is strictly for the person named therein and shall not be given to another person without the authorisation of the competition commissioner.

ARTICLE 2: No accompanying persons, whether minors or adults, shall be admitted to the room where the competition is taking place. Competition organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to any juror who does not follow this rule.

ARTICLE 3: We strongly recommend that you not drink during the tasting. In accordance with established practice, spittoons are provided for spitting out all or part of the sample. If this recommendation is not followed, the author of any damage or accident will be held responsible. The competition assumes no liability in this area.

ARTICLE 4: Jurors are not allowed to judge their own products. Extract from the rules and regulations: “… organisers […] will ask jury members to submit a solemn declaration indicating any direct or indirect ties they may have with any companies, establishments, professional organisations or associations whose activities, products or interests may be related to wines presented in the competition. The commissioner general has the right to disqualify any juror, if necessary, to avoid having a competitor judge his or her own products.” Disregard for this provision will be considered a fraudulent act.

ARTICLE 5: The competition recommends that participants in the tasting take out cancellation insurance for all travel-related reservations (hotel, transportation, etc.). If an edition of the Competition is cancelled for a reason that cannot be attributed to the Organiser, in the case of a force majeure as defined by the law, or for any other reason, the tasting participant cannot in any way hold the Competition responsible for any expenses incurred in view of participation in the Competition. Such expenses cannot be reimbursed.

ARTICLE 6: Leaving with samples, even open ones, is prohibited.

ARTICLE 7: Photos and videos: the juror grants Competition organisers, freely and without any financial compensation, the right to photograph and/or film him or her if they wish to do so, and to use these images on any supports, including advertisements, in China or abroad for any length of time.

ARTICLE 8: Internet User Rights
According to law GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), ARMONIA informs internet users of their rights to access, contest, rectify and delete all data concerning them. They may exercise these rights by contacting the company in writing.

In registering for the competition, you accept its rules and regulations, our legal information and our policy for managing personal data, which you may view at link.

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